Students enrolling in the Student Health Insurance Plan will see an increase for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.
Every year, the University System of Georgia (USG) and Georgia Tech work hard to obtain the most competitive rates and most valuable benefits for students enrolled in the USG Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Covid-19 has, once again, highlighted the importance of the plan as a valuable healthcare and pharmacy benefit and we are happy to provide this coverage option for all of our students.
SHIP is available to enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and their eligible dependents who do not already have insurance. The plan includes comprehensive medical, dental, vision, prescription, and worldwide travel benefits administered by United HealthcareStudentResources (UHCSR). Fall Open Enrollment for the 2022-2023 Academic Year opens on July 25, 2022, and closes on September 26, 2022. The Plan coverage begins August 1, 2022, and ends July 31, 2023.
There are no changes to plan benefits for the upcoming year. There will be a premium increase of 10.1% across all categories of students and enrollees. This increase is due to the increase in claims costs related to Covid-19 testing, treatment, and pharmacy services. Additionally, the use of benefits remained high in some categories, and there was an increase in costs for the treatment of serious medical conditions.
Georgia Tech was part of a USG advisory panel that worked closely with the USG and United HealthcareStudentResources to negotiate the lowest premiums possible. Premiums are charged on a per-semester basis. The updated semester rates are available here and complete SHIP information at health.gatech.edu/finance/insurance.
Tech students fall into one of two coverage groups: mandatory and voluntary. Students in the mandatory group like students on a fully-funded fellowship or that have a tuition waiver are required to carry health insurance coverage during their program at Tech. These students are automatically charged for SHIP through their student account along with tuition and fees. Mandatory students who have an alternative plan that meets USG requirements, like an ACA-compliant plan, can waive SHIP coverage to avoid being charged. Students can enroll or waive during the semester open enrollment periods (Fall, Spring/Summer, or Summer only).
Students who are not in the mandatory group and are taking at least four credit hours fall into the voluntary group and may enroll during the open enrollment periods. Voluntary students are not charged for SHIP as part of tuition and pay online during the insurance semester open enrollment periods.
To determine which group you are in, summer and fall enrollment dates, and learn how to enroll, visit health.gatech.edu/finance/insurance.
Graduate students holding a Graduate Research or Teaching Assistantship (GRA/GTA) are also eligible for a health insurance subsidy. More information on subsidized rates (when available) can be found on the Bursar's website at bursar.gatech.edu/tuition-fees.